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Takashi Amano in live streaming 13 Novembre 2011

Per chi è appassionato dei layout ADA e di Takashi Amano segnalo la realizzazione di un nuovo acquario da 2,4m in diretta streaming alle 13:00 ora giapponese cioè ore 22:00 ora italiana.
Di seguito il testo ed il link per vedere la diretta di un’ora

Takashi Amano’s Layout Making
Live streaming on USTREAM
Nov.13 at 1pm(JST)

Takashi Amano is going to make a new layout of a 2.4m tank on 11/13 (sun) at a place located in Niigata, Japan. And you can watch his layout making on the internet broadcasting from below URL, starting at 13:00 (JST). As it is broadcasted live, you can watch how he makes his layout in real-time, feeling like you are there. It will be a great opportunity to learn his layout making and planted techniques. Products used to make a layout will be presented to views as well. If you are interested, please don’t miss it!

Live streaming on USTREAM
Schedule: 11/13 (SUN) 13:00 (JST)~

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